Thursday, February 9, 2012

Prompt #3 Jackson Hart

I have decided to write about a movie that I just recently saw for the first time called Friends With Benefits. It starred Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis and I actually enjoyed it a lot. It was all about how two people were just coming off of bad breakups (Kunis and Timberlake) with their partners and they are not feeling so happy about the whole love situation. They meet each other through business and Mila's job is to show Justin the city of New York in order to get him to sign the contract for a new job.
They end up spending a lot of time together and become very close. Since they were both coming off of bad relationships they both agreed they didn't want another one, so they decided to try the whole 'friends with benefits' thing. Before they could agree Justin kept saying over and over how she had to promise not to get all clingy and develop feelings for him because 'that's what girls do.' She assured him she wasn't like most girls and that it'd work out fine. It turned out that Timberlake was actually the one who developed the most feelings and was hurt the most when things did not go his way, so there was quite a role reversal compared to what most probably thought was going to happen.
I don't want to ruin the ending, but it's pretty easy to predict, what you think will happen does end up happening. It is a very good movie, however, that has a lot of laughable moments and it shows a different spin to the relationships between men and women that a lot of people may not have experienced before. It shows a good perspective of the roles that men and women play in these kind of relationships and also shows the ups and downs that this kind of relationship can bring. All and all, it was a good movie that I would recommend.


  1. I personally was not a huge fan of this movie but I think what you are saying brings up a very interesting point. The gender reversal in this movie is not something that is seen very often and provides a slightly different view on relationships than what is normally seen in Hollywood movies.

  2. I happened to have love this movie. Who doesn't love JT? Anyway...the roles they both play are something I feel isn't very common, but gives a lot of insight as to the variety of relationships between girls and guys.
