Monday, March 5, 2012

Blog #5 Rachel Dadas

When I first had to sign up for English 110.01 I wasn't looking forward to it from what I heard about it. I thought this class was going to be a rigorous writing course with a bunch of literature, but when I found out that our theme was "gender and sexuality in animated films" I had more hope. Another first impression was that it was going to be pretty easy, but I ended up finding it more of a challenge than what I expected.

The assignments that challenged me to put my full writing potential to the test was the Primary and Secondary source papers. I didn't have to write any papers or essays for my classes in the fall quarter, so my writing skills were a bit rusty from high school. This assignment really made me think and work hard to fully grasp the concept of the topic and how it related to my film clips. My primary source wasn't as good as it could have been, because I ended up choosing a film clip that was hard to relate to the topic of gender and sexuality, so I had to work extra hard on my secondary source. With the work we did in class, the help I received from Tory, and help from Writing Analytically, I ended up writing a strong Secondary Source paper.

One thing that I really liked about this class was our teacher Tory. He was very helpful and I loved that he was more of a chill teacher. All of my other professors haven't been really interesting or personable since I came to college, but Tory showed us his personality from day one. He was also really good about returning emails and being helpful on assignments outside of class as well. I'd have to say I learned a lot more and was more interested in the class than any of my other classes because our teacher was funny and passionate about the topic of our course.

Lastly, I also liked the blog assignments in this class because it showed us a different way of writing and allowed us to learn more about our peers and their personalities. I didn't mind that we were assigned different topics because we were still able to talk about our interests and be personal with the topic.

I learned a lot in this class and I feel that it is going to be very beneficial for me in the future. I enjoyed almost every aspect of the class and I found it to be very helpful and interesting since we had such a great teacher! :)


  1. I'm glad you enjoyed this class as well! It was nice to read your blog for a while, I enjoyed your opinion. I'd say overall this was a great class to be a part of.

  2. Agreed about the Primary and Secondary Source papers. They were new to me as well and a challenge. I had a hard time analyzing my clip too, but after reading the text book and conferencing with Tory, it became much easier. Tory has been my best teacher so far, he really made the class.
