I love the era that it takes place in and I love the way Jane Austen writes. The first time I read it, it was a bit difficult because we do not talk like that anymore so their words and they way they use them take a while to get used to. The mannerisms that they follow are a lot different then ours are today so the way they behave is also something that I enjoyed reading about. This book is a great story but it also teaches you about what things were like for girls in their time.
I always enjoy the classics. Right now I am reading "Dracula" in my spare time and so far, it is really good. Reading is something that I love to do and when I am older, I hope to have a library in my house filled with books of all different genres. I think reading is important because it is just another way of how people share what they know and express themselves to everyone else.
I used to read a lot of fictional books when I was younger but today I still try to read in my spare time.