An article that’s very significant to me is an article in Forbes Magazine titled
Steve Jobs was a Jerk. Good for Him. by Gene Marks. It was written about two weeks after Steve Jobs passed away from liver cancer last year, and in my opinion Steve Jobs was the best innovator and CEO the world has ever seen. Everyone knows the story of Steve Jobs and how he was basically fired from the company that he started, but came back when they were about to go bankrupt and ended up making it the largest and most successful corporation in the world. Steve Jobs is an idol of mine, and his company and products have changed the world forever.

The article talks about how Jobs wasn’t just brilliant, creative, and hardworking, but he was also a jerk. When I watched the documentary on him there’s an interview where he says “If you want to get something done don’t let anything stand in your way, and don’t stop until your goal is reached”. His attitude towards his work makes me respect him even more, and if he wasn’t a jerk Apple wouldn’t be where it is today. He also worked extremely hard at protecting his ideas and not letting any competitor copy them, and realized how important maintaining control of his business was. Steve Jobs thought his ideas and products were so special that he exercised censorship and authoritarianism, and the Apple legal team filed the highest number of patent infringement cases to ever be filed in one year in 2011. Apple even has a “Worldwide Loyalty Team” that specializes in hunting down leakers, confiscating mobile phones, and searching computers. Apple wouldn’t have been as successful as it is today without Steve Jobs and his efforts to protect his products and ideas, along with the personality and attitude he had when it came to business.
I agree with you on how Steve Jobs was one of the best innovators and CEO the world has seen. His passion for Apple is what ended up saving it from going bankrupt, even after he was practically fired. It is interesting to see how strict he was in filing patent infringement cases he filed in just one year. This is a very interesting and well written blog post.
ReplyDeleteThis was a really interesting blog post. I have a macbook pro and iPhone and i love them both, but to be honest, i really didn't know that much about Steve Jobs. This was really well written and convincing, it made me want to go read the article you mentioned.