A movie I recently went and saw in theatres was The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, directed by David Fincher. The movie is about Lisbeth Salander, played by Rooney Mara, and Mikael Blomkvist, played by Daniel Craig, and how they work together to solve what was thought to be and homicide case dating back decades before. My mother really wanted to see the movie, but I am glad I saw it first. My mom is a pretty conservative woman; she doesn't like movies that have a lot of sex or cursing in it. I had to break the bad news to her that she really wouldn't like this movie then. Even though it got an 87% on Rotten Tomatoes, I have a few thoughts of my own.
There were some things I really liked in the movie. I thought Rooney Mara's acting was ridiculously good. Her character she had to play wasn't easy at all, and she didn't slip up once. Also, I liked how in depth the movie showed of the research and work the two had to do to solve the mystery. It really made me understand and it emphasized how much work and skill it took. Finally, I enjoyed how the movie all came together at the end. I was kind of confused throughout the movie because some events were unexpected, but at the end, I was left with minimal questions.
It's really ironic how you chose to talk about "The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo" as your topic. My sister actually was part of producing this movie and marketing it. As much as I feel I have to support the movie, since she was involved in it, it had its ups and downs. I really didn't like the rape scenes in the movie. I felt that there were too many of them and they were very graphic, especially for older adults, such as your mom. However, I really thought that Rooney Mara was an awesome actress in the movie. She really played everything very well, and I think that she might win an Oscar for best female actress. Thats how good I thought she was in the movie. But I have to agree with you: It's not a movie that I think I will see again.
ReplyDeleteI have been wanting to see this movie for a while and after reading your review i think i will. It looked very interesting. I will brace myself for the gruesome parts. I have heard that the book is a lot better than the movie but isnt that almost always true? I tend to like action movies so im pretty sure it will appel to me. I personally like Daniel Craig as an actore in every movie i have seen him in other than the James Bond series. I just dont think he fits the part well. Pierce Brosnan was much better.