Monday, February 20, 2012

Prompt #4 Jackson Hart

Being in school, my access to things such as magazines and newspapers is much more limited than it was at home. With this being the case, almost everything that I read when in comes to public writing comes via the internet. I have never been that interested in politics and it seems to me that most news reported on these days is bad news, so I tend to avoid websites like CNN and other world news sites. The main source that I go to for my daily news is

Being just a big sports fan in general attracts me to this site because of the countless things it has to offer. Whether it be just checking up on the latest scores of the day, a new article written about your favorite team or player, or even to vote in a random poll, there are so many things for someone to do here. My usual routine on this site consists of first, checking to make sure all of my favorite teams won on the day. With this a person can find out a summary of the games, stats, opinions of so called "experts", and also the opinions of anyone who wants to comment on the game. A thing that is very cool about ESPN is that anyone has the ability to comment on any game or article they feel like. I have a friend who actually spends a lot of time, probably too much, on commenting and arguing his points across on these opinon boards. This is the websites way for its viewers who are interested in the same topics to become connected, almost like social media.

After checking out my favorite teams, I'll usually browse the top stories and see if anything peaks my interest to be worth reading about, most of the time there is something good. Proof that this is a very popular site that people consistently go to for news is the fact that recently an employee of ESPN was fired for a title that they gave one of their articles. It's a very well known site with high standards and it was interesting to see how quickly and efficiently they made the decision to let this employee go after what he did offended a lot of people.

ESPN is definitely my favorite place to go to when it comes to the internet. Whether it be checking in to see where our basketball team stands in the rankings or to read up on the latest Linsanity news, ESPN has everything I'm looking for.

1 comment:

  1. I don't really keep up with sports other than what I hear from my roommates and I do not do a lot of sports reading, but I do love Jeremy Lin!
