Monday, February 20, 2012

Cameron Dahlin, Blog Post #4

A piece of public writing that I consider important to me would be the Men’s Health magazine. My dad’s always subscribed to Men’s Health so it’s been lying around my house for as long as I can remember. This magazine covers almost everything that men of all ages would be interested in. It covers articles from sports, finance, health, fitness, diet, style, and relationships. I really like reading this magazine for the fitness tips and articles that researchers have come out with. I also really like the interviews they conduct with a lot of famous athletes or other significant figures in society. The most recent issue offers an interview with David Beckham who is also featured on the cover.
They feature an article that interviews David Beckham on his advice on life in general and fitness. It’s important to me because I look up to a lot of sports figures and it’s interesting to hear their point of view and listen to their advice that they have. The interview offered a lot of good advice on competition, fitness, and perseverance. This is just one of the many articles that help inspire me in different aspects of my life.
This magazine is significant to me because it consists of almost everything I find important in my life and it provides advice on those subjects. I read this magazine for advice on new workout tips that can help me in the gym or advice on how to manage my money. It also provides recipes for meals that promote weight loss and or muscle growth. Even the ads in this magazine are entirely relevant to myself and other men alike. It's nice to actually have interesting and intriguing advertisements as oppsesed to irrelevant ones. I find myself inspired by the interviews that are conducted with some of the CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies. It’s very interesting to listen to what people of that level of success have to say on different topics.
Overall, I look to this magazine for a lot of advice and help in different aspects of my life. Most of the articles are interesting and relevant to my life in some way.


  1. That sounds like a really influential magazine that has relevant articles for you to read. It is also factual instead of a magazine that's full of rumors and stuff that doesn't really matter.

  2. I used to read this magazine all the time when I was in high school, because we were subscribed to it as well. It has some really interesting things in it, and the good part is that it's all true. It definitely helps out with workouts and keeping a healthy lifestyle.
