Friday, February 24, 2012
Blog Post #4 : Casey Reinard
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Pei Chien WU
Molly Hopkins: Prompt #4
The major conflict in the story is when the boy, Christopher’s parents separate because his mother runs off with their neighbor. Because of Christopher’s autism, he has trouble processing exactly what is going on and his parents are not really honest about what is happening either, in hopes of protecting him. The main plot revolves around how Christopher does not deal with this change in his routine well at all and runs away to try and find his mother because she just abandoned him.
The author of this book writes in first person, from the point of view of Christopher, so that readers can really get to know how someone with autism thinks. The author does a great job at making a very serious topic and situation lighter by adding in a lot of humor. I have cousin who has autism who is about the age of the boy in the book, and I have always been annoyed with his irritability, however, after reading this story, I have become much more tolerant of my cousin. Also after reading this book I became extremely interested in autism, especially children with autism and I hope to be able to work at a camp for children with autism at home this summer. This book is one of the few books that I have ever read that really made me think about my life and has effected me is some way. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a quick, funny, and inspiring read.
Andrew Katz Blog #4
Reading is one of my favorite things to do when I find myself with free time. I love fiction specifically, as I feel it makes me think outside the box and generally develops skills I can use in the real world. One very impactful book I recently read is called “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” by the late Stieg Larsson. At first, I was very skeptical. I heard great reviews about the new movie adaptation, so I went and checked it out. I found my self thoroughly entertained and quite surprised as well, as the story telling was captivating and thought provoking. I was so intrigued I went home and got the book the next day. The first 150 pages were excruciatingly slow and unexciting, however the build up during the middle and the climax were unrivaled by almost any other book I’ve ever read (besides “The Da Vinci Code,” of course).
The way that Stieg developed his characters and set them up with difficult tasks and awkward positions was very fun to read. I found that I was unable to put the book down once I got into the thick of it, and those are the best sorts of books to read. The book is a mystery, and generally one likes to run through the list of possible solutions while reading. However it’s almost impossible to predict the finale of this intricate tale, no matter how certain one may be. And I love that about books. If there’s one thing I cannot stand, it’s a predictable book because that just tells me that this author is pretty uncreative or didn’t really put in the necessary work to entertain the audience. Stieg Larsson went above and beyond expectations in this haunting murder mystery, and the book itself encourages me to think outside the box in my daily life.
Jimmy McGuire-Prompt #4

Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Prompt #4 Sara Campbell
I love the era that it takes place in and I love the way Jane Austen writes. The first time I read it, it was a bit difficult because we do not talk like that anymore so their words and they way they use them take a while to get used to. The mannerisms that they follow are a lot different then ours are today so the way they behave is also something that I enjoyed reading about. This book is a great story but it also teaches you about what things were like for girls in their time.
I always enjoy the classics. Right now I am reading "Dracula" in my spare time and so far, it is really good. Reading is something that I love to do and when I am older, I hope to have a library in my house filled with books of all different genres. I think reading is important because it is just another way of how people share what they know and express themselves to everyone else.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Prompt #4: Lauren Schneider

Another one of my favorite magazines to read is Us. While this is a very “gossipy” magazine, I still find it very interesting to read about the different celebrities and what they are doing. This magazine interviews people such as The Jersey Shore and Teen Mom casts, but they have also interviewed people such as Prince Charles.
It is easy to see that I enjoy reading magazines that are girly, talk about style, and are “gossipy”. I do not enjoy reading sports or scholarly articles as much as I enjoy reading the two magazines that I mentioned. Magazines are very up-to-date and not written in the past like some books. A new magazine comes out almost every month, which makes it exciting and something to look forward to reading!
Monday, February 20, 2012
Prompt #4 Jonathan Vignos
Since I don’t have that much time to watch TV, I tend to get on a couple times of day, especially since baseball season is coming up. It’s something that I’m constantly looking at and it keeps me updated with scores and highlights around the MLB. I also am always looking at stats to see who is playing well and who isn’t playing so well. Though this site provides up to date scoring and player stats, when it comes to reading I enjoy the latest articles that they provide. These are on the front page on the top right corner and contain all the latest news that’s happening within the Major League. These would include trade rumors, injuries and anything important that is happening. I also enjoy when they provide information on who the top rookies are and what potential they have for the year.
My favorite type of article within the site to read is anything that involves my favorite team, the New York Yankees. They provide me inside information about what the Yankees are trying to accomplish this year and who will start for them. They also keep me updated with injuries and who the Yankees want to trade for. The most recent article that I have read was today about Mariano Rivera and how he implied it will be his last season.
Blog prompt #4 Lamaya Davis

Blog 4 - Steven Scherer
One of my favorite public blogs is ScienceDaily. It sounds pretty geeky, but if you scan some of the headlines you can see many pieces of research that apply to your daily life. Basically, ScienceDaily is a fast-paced blog that posts updates in all areas of scientific research. From psychology to dinosaurs, Science Daily encompasses wide variety of topics; everyone can find a topic that they relate to. I enjoy reading Science Daily more than I enjoy reading the general news; the mass media news outlets tend to be so biased one way or another.
I enjoy learning about cutting-edge scientific research and engineering achievements, so Science Daily is significant to me. A lot of the research comes from studies done at other universities. Since I’m currently attending such a large university that does research, it is interesting to see what other universities are coming up with as well as what cutting-edge research is coming from Ohio State and making us proud. It’s not necessarily the cutting-edge research that is intrinsically interesting; the practical applications of the research that is published on ScienceDaily is what people should be excited about.
If you want to convince your mom that you can’t call her because you need to be sleeping, ScienceDaily can help you with that. If you want to reassure yourself that the five pounds you just gained will not turn into fifteen, ScienceDaily can help with that. Perhaps you’d like to know what really happens in your brain when you don’t remember last night; ScienceDaily can help with that too. Maybe you actually remembered Valentine’s Day this year; ScienceDaily reassures you that you’re making a good effort.
All in all, I enjoy ScienceDaily because I believe the day isn’t over until you learn something. With Science Daily at hand, I’m assured that learning something is only an article away.
Davis Haug Prompt #4

Ever since I was in middle school I have always wanted to be a sports agent if my playing career didn’t work out. With that being said, a piece of public writing that I enjoy reading and that is extremely important and significant to me is the Sports Agent Blog. I read this blog every day, as well as do research on the industry. When the word “Sports Agent” comes up, many people do not know what it is. A sports agent is a person who helps out and negotiates contracts and endorsements for athletes and entertainers. They typically receive between 4 and 10 percent of what the playing contract is worth, and 10 to 20 percent of what the endorsement contract is worth. Nevertheless, the Sports Agent Blog is a blog written by Darren Heiter who is a Professor at Indiana University and a former sports agent.

With all this being said, when I am reading public articles or blogs, I am looking ones that will help me out in my life, instead of ones that just waste your time. The Sports Agent Blog is definitely one of the best blogs that I have ever found and read that gives me advice and insight into my dream future job.
Cameron Dahlin, Blog Post #4
Prompt #4 Jackson Hart
Blog #4: Matthew York

Blog 4: Jeffrey Jackson
reddit logo: reddit Alien |
There are “sub-reddits”; segments of the site particularly dedicated to one subject, such as world news where popular relevant news is posted from around the globe( news) or the sub-reddit titled funny where silly pictures, comics, videos, or stories are posted non-stop ( The amount of information that one can gather from reddit is unbelievable. You can go to (r/askreddit) and ask the community any questions fathomable and you will at least get a response from someone. You could go to (r/fitness) and learn how to eat better and follow their guides on working out. There are anonymous experts on every subject on reddit. The populace joke about reddit being the ultimate time waster and distraction, but while I agree it has and does take up a lot of my time, I don’t see it as time
Blog #4: Rachel Dadas
The book is about a young African American boy named Cedric Jennings who is very intelligent but lives in a poorer neighborhood and goes to a not-so-nice high school. His peers were involved in gangs, drugs and violence while he just wanted to get his education. In his high school, being smart and at the top of his class isn't something to be proud about; it is more of a shameful thing. In order to be "cool" or one of the more respected popular kids, you weren't smart and you were involved in dangerous situations.
Cedric overcame the torture of being bullied because of his intelligence and was accepted into Brown University, a top college. After all of his hard work and effort, he accomplished his goal of going to the school of his dreams and proving to the other students that he could make it. Cedric spent the majority of his days in high school studying, doing practice tests, doing extra homework, and even got the best SAT score in his whole school. Unfortunately, all of his hard work and knowledge couldn't compare to the knowledge of his fellow students at Brown. They all went to better schools, grew up wealthy in better communities, and were way smarter than him. Cedric's SAT wasn't even nearly as high as the rest of the students. He struggled in his college classes and had to work so much harder than everybody else just to try to be on their same level.
I have not yet finished the book, but so far I can relate to Cedric's situation a lot. I went to a decent high school, but the course load was nothing compared to other high schools. My school only offered one AP class and nothing more than your basic math, English, history and
Blog #4: Alex Cameron
However, all of this success he is beginning to obtain did not come without hard work. After Lin graduated from Harvard, he struggled. He was so small compared to many other NBA athletes, so he was forced to work even harder to "bulk up" and gain weight. In addition to this, he was also sleeping on his brother's couch in New York, just to make ends meet. He was even mistaken as a New York Knicks trainer by many of the security guard
s for the team. Jeremy Lin was constantly overlooked, but he knew that all he needed was one chance to prove himself. This chance came on February 6th, 2012. Since this start, Lin's stats have been compared to even those of Magic Johnson (former NBA point guard that was very good). Along with his stats came a new vocabulary to the sports world. Commentators brought about new words to describe Jeremy's play, such as "Lin-credible, Lin-sanity, and Lin-ing." This athlete goes to show how hard work and dedication really does pay off. This magazine article is very important to me because it reminds me of the hard work I put in for high school basketball. It all began after sitting the bench my freshman and sophomore year and realizing that I was tired of riding the bench, so I did something about it. I began to condition everyday by running and lifting. I continued to work hard even after being overlooked my Junior year and just kept working hard, waiting to get my chance to prove myself, much like Jeremy Lin did with the Knicks. Finally, my chance came senior year, when my high school team got a new coach. This new coach gave me my chance and I took full advantage of it. I went from riding the bench for 2 years and playing JV for 2 years; to finally starting Varsity my senior year and helping lead my team to the top of our league. Although I am in no way saying I am to any extent of the same caliber as Jeremy Lin, these kinds of inspirational, underdog dog stories are what inspire me to keep working hard in everything I do.
Prompt #4- Jordan Wamer
Reddit prides itself on finding original content; pictures, videos and stories that haven’t been seen elsewhere. This is part of reddit’s popularity. Reddit is a great place to keep up to date with the latest news. I get all of my news from reddit, from sports to politics. If something is relevant it will be talked about on reddit. Sadly enough, reddit can also be consuming. I have lost many friends to reddit (okay, not literally). It is a very entertaining website that truly never ends; unique user content is posted every second. I’ve found myself losing hours of sleep surfing through mounds and mounds of information to find something interesting. So before you blame me for showing you this ultimate time waster, you’ve been warned.
Prompt #4 - Garrett Cutting
The websites coverage of all the different kinds of sports is unreal. They have information, scores, and updates on sports from tennis to mixed martial arts. I am a fan of all sports so getting the latest scores and updates are very nice and easy to get from this site. Also, I can keep track of my favorite teams and players on a day to day basis like the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Tampa Bay Rays. How easy it is to access the information I want in a timely fashion is very convienent, and that is a part of why I use the website so often.
Another reason why ESPN is significant to me is because one of my favorite writers, Rick Reilly, does some work for them on their broadcasts and website. Rick's writing is intriguing for me because he takes a different spin on a sports event or play and analyzes it to the point where you can't stop reading. He usually puts out a new article every week, and I make sure to read it. In addition, I like to catch clips from my favorite ESPN TV show, "Pardon the Interruption", on the website. I love that they have shows on their website. It is very convenient. Overall, ESPN's website is one of the most useful and important site to me.
Blog #4 Jake Wenstrup
Other than documenting amazing people doing amazing things, is a great way to find places I want to put on my bucket list. Outsideonline has a really interesting section on travel and is the quickest way for me to want to leave everything behind and go to some far off country for a while. I think provides a very open, interesting view on what each author has experienced with a new culture outside the U.S. and does so through an almost journal-like form that allows for a very personal view into international culture. My latest bucket list addition was New Zealand. This article:
really appealed to me because I look to my own future and see myself caught up in deadlines and living where I don't want to live. Hopefully I'll find time in my own busy future to travel to a place like New Zealand and check it off the bucket list.
Prompt #4-Connor Cross