When I was younger, I was all about Power Rangers. I couldn't get enough of them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPI_kKNmBDI I had the action figures, watched the television show, and wanted to emulate these "crime fighting heroes." Without realizing it, I allowed this show to influence my perception and definition of gender for a few reasons. Namely, that being a man was about being strong and tough, and saving the day. But there were also female characters in the show that also fought crime and saved the day, which broadened my scope a little bit. Guys AND girls c
ould fight crime and be the hero, that's definitely an idea that is hard to find in children' television programs. It's mainly the male figures that are considered heroes, tough, and strong in shows such as G.I. Joe, however Power Rangers shed light on the fact that it may not be a strictly masculine characteristic. Another quality about the show that affected my perception of gender was the use of colors. Each character had a color, such as the Red Power Ranger, the Blue Power Ranger, the Pink Power Ranger, you get the point. The main fact is that the male characters consisted of colors such as red, blue, green, and black, while the female characters donned the yellow and pink. Essentially, I realized that yellow and pink were “girl colors” and were
clearly not meant to be worn on boys. Boys were meant to wear the “boy colors” such as red, green, blue, and black because that’s what they wore on Power Rangers. Overall, this show had a powerful influence on how I perceived gender roles at a very young age. I may not have realized it as a child, but looking back now I see just how clearly the show portrayed male and female characteristics. I made sure that my closet consisted of the male colored clothes; however I was very aware that females had the ability to be the heroes as well as the males.

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ReplyDeletePower Rangers is a great show and I loved it too. I can see how it shaped your ideas on gender and sexuality through the idea that there were also women characters. It was able to show you women can do things that men can do. I can also see how the colors showed you the difference. Finally, I really loved the video.
ReplyDeletePower Ranger was my brothers childhood!!!! We all chose one of the colors (roles) that we wanted to be and made up our own story to act our own!!! I can understand how different colors represent to you cause one of my brother even forced me to choose pink......