When I think about gender and sexuality as a whole, one object of media that influenced me greatly was Grand Theft Auto, which was a video game that I played when I was a kid. While several were made and more are being made today, the main plot of the game hasn't changed. The game consisted of you as the main character with the overall goal to become successful and do whatever it takes to be rich and famous. While this may seem harmless, it also meant that to become successful, you have to step on everyone in your way. These games did a terrible job of portraying woman in a positive sense and made no attempt at censorship. Every other cutscene consisted of you throwing or abusing some woman in the game. If you weren't abusing them, you were having sex with them and then later abusing them. The game treated woman like eye candy that had no purpose but to look good. Even the loading screens depicted half naked woman. This led me to believe that women were objects and demanded no respect. While I quickly learned that this wasn't true, when I was

I think almost everyone has played GTA at one point in their lives. Along with that, almost everyone has done terrible, terrible things on this game. I agree with you.
ReplyDeleteI've never played Grand theft auto myself but I agree with what your saying. Games like this teach people that women are nothing but eye candy and something to make males feel more dominant. These types of are sad and I hope as well they don't affect the nation's youth and who they view themselves and women
ReplyDeleteI can definitely see how this can affect guy's views of women! Although I have never played this game before, it's easy to see by your explanation how women are portrayed as sex objects and basically nothing. I strongly agree with you about how this can change society's respect towards women.