Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Prompt #1 Pei Chien Wu

Hi, I am Pei Chien Wu. You guys can just call me Pei. I am a Pre-design student in OSU and just took the Entrance Exam to get into the Industrial Design major. Since the program would only enroll 18 students per year, I am now super nervous about the result which will be turned out at the end of January.

I come from Taiwan, a small, warm island in East. I have only been here for about nine months, and still haven’t adapted to the weather of Columbus, since, unbelievably, the lowest temperature in my country in winter would never lower than 40 degrees. My favorite season was winter; however, it was spring when I came to Ohio and I felt extremely cold even in early March. I freaked out, and have never told my American friends that my favorite season was winter, since “my winter” is absolutely different from them.

I’m 21 years old and I have three younger brothers, 20 years old, 18 years old and 14 years old. Even though I did not live with them since I was 12, we are still very close. I attended boarding school for three years and then went to five-year-college. I studied Spanish in the college. There is no problem for me to read and listen in Spanish but since I haven’t practiced for about a year, I feel like I’m not that good with the oral part than I am used to be.

I enjoy all kinds of sport that play with racket, such as, badminton, tennis, Ping-Pong and racquetball and I do pretty well on badminton. My favorite bands are Tennis, The Weepies and Bon Iver. I am pretty interested in exchanging music with others and hope that I can get some recommendations of good music from you guys.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's really awesome that you have the chance to come to a great university. Did you pick Ohio State yourself? Or was in something your parents helped you with? It must be really hard being away from your family for so long because it would be rough on me. I also feel bad you never had a High School experience, it was a blast for me. Also, best of luck with getting into Industrial Design.

  3. That is pretty amazing that you ended up at Ohio State. My aunt is actually from Taiwan as well, I hear it's incredible there and would love to go visit! It's cool that you play racquet sports, I love tennis and ping pong (even though I'm not very good). And I just started listening to Bon Iver recently, they have a pretty interesting sound, but I like them!
