In high school I was very active when it came to joining groups or clubs. I was Treasurer of my senior class, Yearbook editor, National Honors Society, SOS (Students of Service, my school's community service club), Warriors In Pink (breast cancer awareness club, funded by the Susan G. Komen Foundation), Butterflies ("Big Sister, Little Sister"), Lookin' Out (safe driving program), Spanish club, and I played fastpitch softball as a pitcher for many years. Sorry to bore you with the extremely long lists of activities; I was an overachiever in high school and still am. Currently I am involved in American Marketing Association, FisherCARES, FisherForward, Buckeye Career Club, Fisher Citizenship Program, BuckeyesRMHC, Block O, and Buckeye Baking Club at The Ohio State University. I was involved in tons of organizations throughout high school, that is why I felt the need to join more clubs in college.
I am still employed at my job back at home at Harry's Steakhouse where I have been a hostess and a line cook for the past 3 years. I love to cook and bake, and I also like to hang out/ go out with friends. Not to sound weird or fat or anything, but two of my favorite things to do are sleep and eat. I love food and I absolutely love to sleep in, that is why I waitlisted to take this class at 11:30am instead of opting for the open 7:30am section. Definitely not happening. But I have always loved to cook and bake, and eat the product, ever since I was a child. I hope to someday open up my own restaurant!
The reason why I am at Ohio State is because I have always wanted to go to school here and receive a business degree from The Fisher College of Business. I am hoping to receive a Bachelors of Science in Business Administration degree with a double specialization in Marketing and Logistics. I also want to minor in Entrepreneurship and in Economics. 
Well, I don't have much more to say. That's a little about my life. I look forward to hearing more about the rest of my classmates!
Wow, you seem like you always have something going on. I have no idea how you balance all your groups, activities, and studying at the same time. If I were you, I'd be constantly stressed out, but it's clearly something you can do with ease. I'm impressed and jealous. Also, sleep and food are my go to pastimes as well.
ReplyDeleteThat's quite an impressive list of groups and clubs. I can't imagine trying to juggle all that at once. I also love to cook! Nothing better than making your own meals. And who doesn't like some sleep!