Looking back on each of my papers this quarter sequentially, it is easy to see how drastically my writing has changed throughout this class. One of the most significant changes to my writing has been leaving the comfort zone of the five paragraph essay. Every incoming freshman has been writing five paragraph essays since middle school and can write one in their sleep. The important part of that, is that we can do it in our sleep. This year I learned that writing is really about thinking better. Although we all hate writing those papers that we have decided to save for 10pm on Sunday when they are due Monday morning, I honestly think that I can better understand many topics simply through writing about them. Writing about almost any current event requires some sort of minimal research from Wikipedia to Googling the topic. The research process then tailors itself to your own interests based on the way you search for things and how connect from one webpage to another.
In addition to forming new interests and forcing more critical thinking, writing in a blog format like we have done this quarter is an interesting way to gain a different insight into the way people think and speak. I personally enjoyed reading many of the blog posts because I never failed to find each post amusing, entertaining, or interesting in some way. Reading thoughts from other students in our class really opened my mind to a lot of other ideas and made me enjoy the blog format even more.
Overall, I'm glad we went about this class the way we did and look forward to improving my writing more in the future.
I think everyone commented on how this course improved or writing! It definately was a useful course.